Linking Family Planning to Resilience in the Sahel: Findings from an Integrated Pilot Project in Zinder, Niger (Report)

In 2017, the Evidence to Action (E2A) Project (2011–present), with support from USAID, launched “Building Resilience through Strengthening and Integrating Reproductive Health and Family Planning in Niger” (RISE-FP) in the Sahel to integrate quality family planning (FP) programming into the RISE initiative.

The overall RISE-FP program objectives were to increase demand for and access to FP services, and contribute to the existing efforts to strengthen the health system in three targeted health districts (Magaria, Mirriah, and Matamèye) of Zinder region.

As part of the RISE-FP project, E2A proposed to pilot and document an innovative FP and resilience intervention built on the concepts of integration and partnership between health and non-health sectors. E2A/Pathfinder and USAID decided to undertake this intervention study in partnership with a RISE resilience partner that was not specifically tasked with a health mandate, with the aim of further building resilience by extending health and non-health (agricultural, in this case) information to a wider population.