Workshop Report: Fostering Change for Scale-Up of Good Practices in the WAHO Region

More than 100 Ministry of Health focal points and officials and NGO partners from across West Africa became familiar with tools and approaches they can use to systematically scale up effective practices in maternal health, reproductive health/family planning, and adolescent/youth sexual and reproductive health at a one-day workshop in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.  The workshop set the stage for the first Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Forum on Good Practices in Health. The workshop was designed to provide concepts on scaling up as well as hands-on skills building, which would provide a basis for analyzing practices highlighted during the forum itself.

The workshop consisted of two sessions on the importance of systematic scale-up and the principles of scaling up, followed by a panel on six successful examples of scaling up. A modified Knowledge Café presented information on various tools for scaling up. Finally, participants engaged in a group work session to gain practical experience applying systematic approaches to scale-up, using case studies from the field.

The workshop is summarized in this report.