University Leadership for Change in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Niger

From March 2014–June 2016, E2A implemented the University Leadership for Change (ULC) project in Niger to promote youth leadership for driving social change and health systems strengthening with the aim of reducing unintended pregnancies and maternal mortality, and increasing gender equality. In Niger, public health issues and family planning and reproductive health, in particular, are among key priorities for development. At the heart of this project was a comprehensive approach to behavior change that sought to create an enabling environment to improve SRH among young people. The project was composed of three main technical components: (1) Youth leadership and demand generation; (2) Expanded access and improved quality of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services; and (3) Participatory stakeholder engagement for sustainability. These three pillars were used simultaneously to work towards the achievement of the ULC project’s objectives.

This report presents the project outcomes and documents the strategies and approaches that led to the results achieved. The report also highlights considerations for scaling up the ULC approach in different contexts. The success stories and lessons learned within this report are relevant for a global health audience seeking to improve AYSRH outcomes through effective strategies for behavior change that are coupled with the delivery of youth-friendly SRH services.

  • Author: Katie Chau, Regina Benevides, Ousseini Abdoulaye
  • Publication date: February 2017
  • Focus areas: Youth