Looking Back and Charting the Way Forward: Using the Global Consensus Statement on Expanding Contraceptive Choice for Youth- A Summary of Survey Results

Since 2015, the Global Consensus Statement—Expanding Contraceptive Choice for Adolescents and Youth to Include Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)—has sought to advance evidence, programs, and policies that contribute to providing a wide range of contraceptives to adolescents and youth. To date, 48 organizations have endorsed the Global Consensus Statement: 8 professional associations, 3 youth alliances, 32 implementing partners, and 5 who reported being either donors or “others.” The Expanded Method Choice for Youth Working Group is composed of organizations charged with advancing use of and support for the Global Consensus Statement. In early 2018, the Working Group distributed a survey to the 43 professional associations, youth alliances, and implementing partners that endorsed the Global Consensus Statement. Looking back over the past three years, the survey asked how the organizations had used the Global Consensus Statement as an advocacy tool. Looking forward, the survey asked the organizations how they intend to use the Global Consensus Statement in the future. The survey was also used to determine resources that organizations may need going forward to better use the Consensus Statement as an advocacy tool. The Evidence to Action Project, on behalf of the Working Group, has examined survey responses, and results of select questions are presented in this brief.