Assessing the Feasibility of Including Removal Indicators for Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives in Mozambique’s National Family Planning Registers (Brief)

As a member of the Implant Removal Task Force and the lead of its data sub-group, E2A conducted a study in collaboration with the Integrated Family Planning Project (IFPP) to test the feasibility of including a set of six removal indicators for long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) in Mozambique’s national family planning register and health management information system (HMIS).

To improve data use and harmonize routine data at the country level, E2A and the data subgroup worked within the context of routine HMIS to advocate for the collection, reporting, and analysis of six relevant implant removal markers. This technical brief describes the perceived benefits and challenges of including the removal indicators in the national FP register and HMIS.