Global Consensus Statement for Expanding Contraceptive Choice for Adolescents and Youth to Include Long-Acting Reversible Contraception

Committing ourselves to full and informed choice of contraceptives for adolescents and youth

Since 2015, the Global Consensus Statement—Expanding Contraceptive Choice for Adolescents and Youth to Include Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)—has sought to advance evidence, programs, and policies that contribute to providing a wide range of contraceptives to adolescents and youth.

The statement provides considerable evidence on the safety of LARCs for youth and makes the rights-based case for guaranteeing young people wide contraceptive choice. The statement can be used as an effective tool for advocacy.

To date, 50+ endorsing organizations and 400+ supporters have joined the global call to action for young people’s access to full choice. E2A is proud to have contributed to the statement and, on behalf of the Expanded Method Choice for Youth Working Group, have examined its use.


View and endorse the statement here.